Makeup Must Haves For A Busy Girl

I like to think of a variety of my girls out there in the beauty world. Are YOU a busy girl? I've got just the list of necessitates needed, just for you!
Eyebrow Pencil
An eyebrow pencil is an absolute must have! It hides all the missing hairs you may have. Not to mention; it's super simple and convenient to apply!
Tinted Moisturiser
So simple and convent, not only can you apply with clean hands but A sheer layer will keep your-skin moisturised while adding a little bit of coverage.

Just to fix up some spots you have missed or that's faded away; concealer is a girls best friend.

Wouldn't be a makeup list without mascara, right? Mascara is a simple and easy way to enhance your beautiful eyes and just to either top a look off or embrace natural beauty.

Makeup Brushes (just the basics)
This one is entirely up to you, just a recommendation! As long as you're able to keep your bristles remaining in-tack whilst amongst the depths of a girls bag, go for it! P.S - wouldn't suggest keeping your best quality brushes in your bag, save them beauties for the makeup station!

Micellar based-water wipes
You're having a night out; feeling your best as you flaunt your flawless makeup look and all of sudden your makeup Is smudged. What you need, catering especially for this unwanted occasion, are micellar water wipes!